I am not certain which is better: The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) or fan’s 3D artwork recreations. As previously mentioned, their is plenty of fan’s tribute artwork to the classic NES such as NES Lego Scenes and also Real Life Nintendo where fans retouched some famous video game scenes. All of these new art pieces are wonderfully combining old Nintendo video games with a 3 dimensional touch.
The latest is artwork created by Justin Buonvino that provides a 3D look into some of Nintendo’s famous games, such as Mario Brothers and Excitebike. These two games (or scenes from the game) were retouched, angled and made into a picture more fitting to today’s graphics. No, this new adaptations will probably not make it to the Nintendo Wii or other consoles, but would look simply great on my walls.
Props to the artist for the creativity and time.
Via: Newlaunches