Super Mario Brothers 3 Stitch Map Art

This Super Mario Brother 3 stitch map is beautiful Nintendo art bringing up some fond memories of the NES. It is similar to the Zelda Stich Map Art we seen before, but of course gives tribute to a different game favorite from the past.


This great stitch art by Cross-Stich Ninja presents a game map that we are so familiar with from Super Mario Brothers 3. It is made with such fine detail and effort that I cannot but take my hat for the maker be proud to actuall been one to play the game when it was first released. It seems that even with the gaming innovation and graphics, we really can’t let go of these old timers, such as was shown with the amazing Super Mario Bros 3 push pin art.

If you are interested in making such artwork yourself of old NES games or any other images you wish, you can check out the tutorial at SpriteStitch for stitch art or actually make Lego Pixel Art as well.

Via: Neatorama