This Origami diagrams Toilet Paper would make any that have long bathroom sessions become creative and imaginative while having their #2 sessions in solitude.
I have a brother who usually spends an hour in the wash-room every morning so I asked him, what’s with the hour long wait inside the toilet?, he replied that it is really boring when you have to sit that long doing nothing, so he takes in a PSP and play games on it, killing the waiting time. This surprised I was surprised and asked what if the PSP got wet? he said that he had to take extra care about that!. Then I told him about this amazing new Origami toilet paper that had tutorials on how to make various origami art pieces.
This new breed of toilet paper has printed tutorials on how to make articles like a swan, a bird, a boat etc. So while you get bored doing nothing you can actually hone your origami skills without having to attend any classes for it. The toilet paper has written instructions in English and a picture replica of how to fold the paper and the tricky parts.
Believe me! this thing actually works great on reducing the time spent inside the wash-room as I have a personal experience with my brother, his time actually reduced to just half an hour (which still is pretty long; but it did reduce). A personal advice- Please do not show your masterpiece to others in it’s original form, I mean flush the paper once it serves it’s purpose and make a new one with a craft paper instead, looks more presentable! Now that’s what I call multi-tasking!
For additional cool Origami ideas, check out the Origami style Social Media Icons or even the Origami Lampshade tutorial.
Via: BookOfJoe