Cheech and Chong Up In Tron Game

cheech and chong up in tron movie

For those who are familiar with the Comic duo Cheech and Chong, here they are Up In Smoke again and reunited in a new Tron remake speaking of the economic situation and making a mess of it all.

Coming through Microsoft and Mean Magazine, here is Cinemash — the exclusive digital series that lets celebrity talent mash up their favorite scenes from classic movies. This is one of 7 different short movies that features interpretations of various situations using different celebrities. In this specific scene, Cheech and Chong begin in a smokey van after their favorite pastime gets a moment of zen and then they go all psychedelic with an Ode to the game and movie Tron.


The actual dialogue and footage is not something that is easy to make out or understand, but the imagery is actually awesome. The two end up fighting each other as in the Tron movie and game with bright colors, effects and Economic hardship.

Warning: Adult language is apparent in the video both from Cheech and Chong.