Is This PS3 Slim Concept Better?

ps3 slim concept

This is an old conceptual design of the PS3 Slim that never saw the light of day, but would it have received a better response than what was actually released?

Designed by Djeric only a few weeks before the PS3 Slim was actually released, this is a cool looking Playstation 3 Slim design made in 3D.


new ps3 slim concept

This PS3 Slim design however seems like an upgraded PS2 that was made a tiny bit slimmer and more futuristic. It is not so off the wall as one would expect from a brand new design, but it does have a few cool looking things, such as the see through CD/DVD drive and the Bang & Olufsen kind of style. Still, some may actually enjoy the minimalistic design better than what was truly released.

So from all the different designs and PS3 mods, is the new PS3 Slim better, this current Slim PS3 Concept or even the new PS4 design?

slim ps3 design

Via: PS3Maven