Geeky Halloween Pumpkin Carvings for Halloween Inspiration

Halloween is just around the corner, and what better to celebrate it then many different geeky Pumpkin Faces and various Pumpkin Carvings to give place at your door step.

Update for Halloween 2010: 200 Pumpkin Carvings

We gathered some different amazing Pumpkin carvings, pumpkin art, and Halloween projects which may actually inspire you to make some amazing ones of your own. In addition, we wanted to touch on a few important things that occurred this year, so we also included a Michael Jackson pumpkin, and a Patrick Swayze in a tribute to the late stars.


If you like this post let us know in the comments, and if you have some other great Pumpkin Faces or Pumpkin Carvings to share, send them our way to, and we will try to share them with all our readers. Also, you can find the specific artists for any of these pumpkins at the respective links for each image.

If you would rather have costume fun, then you are welcome to check out the Cool Halloween Masks collection we previously posted.

Google Android Pumpkin

google android pumpkin face

This Google Android Pumpkin by David Watson may not have email, wifi or other handy applications, but it truly demonstrates the cool Android logo people should start getting used to.

Top Geeks Pumpkin Faces

steve jobs pumpkin face

No Geeky collection would be complete without the head tyrant Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and wonderful and enthusiastic Steve Ballmer; the three are seen here in a different color.

bill gates pumpkin face

Steve Jobs was created by djRyan (Flickr), and both Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer were done by ScottHeimendinger (, which additional work could also be found on Flickr.

steve ballmer pumpkin face

Michael Jackson Tribute Pumpkin

michael jackson tribute pumpkin face

This was not created as an official Michael Jackson Tribute but will probably be loved and cherished by Michale’s Fans through out the world. The maker, John!!! did a great job portraying Michale and the Moonwalker image.

Patrick Swayze Pumpkin Face

pumpkin faces patrick swayze

The late Patrick Swayze will remembered by many, and instead of just putting a candle in the window, this Pumpkin carving by Dgould77 makes a tribute with 3 different Patrick characters.

Comics Characters Pumpkins

wolverine pumpkin face

jack nicholson joker pumpkin face

heath ledger joker pumpkin face

iron man pumpkin face

Comic book lovers would surely enjoy these new superhero and villainous remakes of their favorites characters. We have gathered here Wolverine by Al Martin, the old Joker from dcarey4o and the new Joker by Marc Evan, Iron Man/Tony Stark and Hellboy were seen at Kyler Strom.

hellboy pumpkin face

spiderman pumpkin face

new spiderman pumpkin

venom pumpkin carving

Other cool comics additions are the Spiderman pumpkin faces by Randy Cox and Eryn, Venom by Flavellem, The Punisher and Ghost Rider by Herr Black, the Hulk from SigningTime, and the 2nd Wolverine by The Vinster. Amazing comic artwork that was transferred to cool pumpkin carvings.

the punisher pumpkin face

ghost rider pumpkin face

the hulk pumpkin face

wolverine pumpkin carving

Transformers Pumpkins

optimus prime megatron pumpkin faces

The Transformers cannot die, and we see here two version of the Autobots and Decepticons both by their logos and by the actual leaders Optimus Prime and Megatron, respectively.
The two examples by eNix and ladybugbkt really show how good they look even as decorations.

transformers autobots decepticons pumpkin faces

Star Trek Pumpkins

star trek spock pumpkin face

There are so many Star Trek artwork created in Pumpkins, but we picked a few inspiring ones of Spock by LadyLunacs, Worf by tito2029 and the Star Trek Embelem by MonkeyWench.

star trek worf pumpkin face

star trek logo pumpkin

Harry Potter Pumpkin Faces

harry potter characters pumpkin faces

He may be more in the way of children, but Harry Potter is a geek nonetheless, and in this Pumpkin Faces collection he fits just the same. There is a cool foursome of Harry, Snape, Voldemort and Black by KibblesandSits that is really cool, and Mad Eye Moody by Dan Will makes for a great addition to the bunch.

mad eye moody pumpkin face

For More cool Pumpkin Carvings, check out the huge collection of 130 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings.

Halloween Pumpkin Carvings