Bacon Mug with Mysterious Content Looks Delicious


There can’t be anything tastier than a bacon sandwich, and the toughness and crispiness of bacon pieces make the sandwich all the more interesting to bite into. All over the world, bacon lovers have tried to create art using their favorite piece of meat and here is a cool bacon mug which looks beyond delicious. If you are the kind of person who loves ham and bacon, I am sure you would love to fill this bacon mug with something really nice and then consume not just the contents of the mug but also the mug itself!

However, I can’t really understand what the bacon mug is filled with. It seems like melted cheese, but it could also be pancake batter! Melted cheese and bacon all around it could be the best way to have a satisfying meal, but it also could harm your body since it would come with so much of cholesterol. Come to think of it, bacon is the most artful meat in the world, as it can be converted into so many things as evidenced by our previous posts.


We have written about a number of bacon related stuff that were not only mouth watering but also quite innovative. In fact, we had a special post about the Bacon Day where you could celebrate with bacon related products, accessories and designs. The Bacon Shoes look awesome but unfortunately can’t be eaten.

Via: Geeks are Sexy