Tetrises: the Tetris God of Gaming

tetris game god

Ever wondered when playing Tetris, as to who controls what brick shapes to throw down from above, to test our wall building skills? Well, finally creationism has an answer to this mind boggling question: the Tetris God above, featuring Tetrises and his two member cabinet, in a video which shows exclusive behind the scenes footage from a Tetris game.

Honestly, we all curse at someone whenever some weirdly shaped brick is thrown our way. Well, having watched this video, now we can put a face to that name. But then again, we also tend to thank some noble spirit in times like when that perfect, problem solving brick is bestowed upon us in our exact hour of need. This video not only shows us a Tetrises, the god who makes the final decisions, but also a grueling political saga, inclusive of butt kissing as well as constructive criticism that goes on as the bricks are being showered upon us lesser mortals, the gamers.


A tough brick is god testing us, an easy one is god giving in to the pleas of his kinder deputy, who probably was a hardcore Tetris gamer during his time on earth. Facts in this video are like revelations for us. Avid gamers of this cult favorite will have some questions answered, and non-gamers, who unfortunately were not allowed video games because their clergy thought it was the work of devil, will be enlightened with the absolute truth.

If you enjoy some creative remakes of the popular Tetris, then you would love the Tetris Skateboarding Video, the Tetris Origami Block or the colorful Tetris Lamp.

Via: WiiNintendo