Jesus Comes to life as an incarnation of Super Mario Jesus!

There are many people around the world who do things which amazes other people. “Super Mario Jesus” comes into this category, and the brain behind this short flip animation is that of one of the YouTube user’s TotemX who created the drawing of Jesus on a notepad and converted his hobby into a short animation film.


After flipping through the pages of the notepad for 1:14 minutes, one come across Jesus freeing himself from crucifixion and taking the role of Super Mario, while running out he thrashes and smashes several enemies on its way just akin to Super Mario Brothers and displays the sign of victory at the end.  The background music is by Drumempo surely fits here, and give life to the animation. In the absence of this spectacular music; I hope this short animation would have been lifeless.

This animation would inspire more budding cartoonist to come into limelight and showcase more entertainment while getting instant fame in this techie world.  This flip animation is compiled by the Totem Nation Films.  Earlier also characters of Super Mario found place in Super Mario Brothers and Pokemon Truffles and  Amazing Rubik’s Cube Super Mario Brothers Mosaic Art. But this flip short animation on the lines of Super Mario is awesome. Would these type of flip notepads with amazing drawings converted into short animation could give cartoon networks around a run for their money is really a point to ponder?  Splendid Job TotemX!

Via:  illusion.scene360