The Big Alien Toy Entered To Rip Your Study Table

Outer space species like Aliens have also been a topic of conversation and contrast among people, and some say that they have seen Aliens and some think Alien stuffs are false. The Alien which has haunted most of the people’s dream is the one which had features in the Alien movie series. I still remember its horrifying face and the saliva oozing out from its mouth on the victims. That terrific Alien still gives me goose bumps whenever I watched that movie. I guess to make us relive that moment, here is the Big Replica of the “Original Alien Toy” that is as horrifying as the Recycling Alien Queen.


Designed by H.R. Ginger, it really haunted the minds of many people, making them spent sleepless nights. That design has been carved out beautifully and with many added features too. When I say whatever, I mean bending its tails, changing its posture etc. It has been made along with many different points of articulation in its neck, jaw, shoulders, elbows, chest, knees and ankles. So you can go on and make it point its tail in a zigzag manner, semi circle or any shape you want. Its exquisite detailing makes it even much more perfect and aesthetically ugly coz that’s what it’s meant to be, right !

The best part about it is of huge size to give the actual impression and bigger than a usual toy. Standing tall with a 22” body makes it a gigantic monster in front of your other toys.  You can also fiddle with its Inner mouth by extending it out or tucking it in. Over all, it’s a rocking and if you want to get your hands on it, it’s worth $39.99.

You can see some of such interesting toys like Final Fantasy XII Judge Master Gabranth and Twilight Zone Gremlin Gobble Head Toy , you will really like.