Death Star Melon is all set to Attack a Fruity Vision

If you are a hyper-active and creative person, who enjoys everything to do with actions, then just pick a penknife with and a watermelon, and try creating the theme of Death Star Watermelon. Yes, this is quite possible, and this cool idea will just have every Star Wars fan amazed.

Well, I am sure all Star Wars Fans might have come across many star war products like the Star War soap bar, etc, but this is something a Star Wars fan can do it themselves, just sitting at home. True, the background would be seen as red and white, unlike Death Star, but this fruit vision creates a huge temptation with this brilliant idea, something you can show off to your guests in a cocktail party! Who wouldn’t be tempted to eat this Melon that flaunts a tinge of Death Star theme?

Firstly, while you cut a crater-like circle in the center, get a circled outline in the center to give an equatorial trench. You just have to take consideration of the angles where you pen your knife, and need to carve it correctly to get it in shape. But this art requires a lot of time and patience, while you make you own Death Star Melons.

While you are handy with your knife, I am quite sure this might not look right on your plate, but this creation is styled with a modern cut, something you should definitely experiment.

Also check out the Star Destroyer Wedding Cake.

via: Kuriositas