Scary Yet Cool Looking Cake Designs

My stomach was making noises when I first read the word cake but soon after the feeling of hunger slowly transformed, rather diminished into a feeling of shock and awe, as the cakes that you are about to have a look at are definitely not for the faint hearted. Oh yeah, and Watch Out, for these Cakes may bite! Scott Hove, through his set of creations titled “Cakeland”, has emphasized the very same thing in a fashion that will definitely leave you speechless and spellbound with his creativity.


In this Amazing cake designs by Scott Hove, you will find sculptures, molds and crafts of crazy cake designs spread all over the region; some standing, some hanging while some mounted on the walls, but their highlight is that these yummy cakes are not actually cakes but are delicious looking cake replicas (completely opposite to The Millennium Falcon Cake or the Star Destroyer Wedding Cake for these don’t at all look like cakes but they are very tasty cakes indeed) and therefore can’t be eaten! These cakes have a very short life span, as brief as it was made till the celebration lasts, clearly signifying that nothing in this world is going to be the same forever.

The artist’s philosophical touch can also seen from the fact that all the creative carvings have certain defensive approach like the doll in jaws, trophy with horns etc (something that the viewers shall notice slowly with time) portraying our ugly truth that we all are lured by incredible beauty and perfection wherever we find it accompanied with a feeling of little bit of anxiety and uneasiness of not being able  to obtain what we desire; The Cakeland is also a celebration of the artificial, and acknowledges our tendency to embrace the artificial in order to feel safe or receive emotional gratification.

Coming to the physical features, these sculptures are made (by using traditional cake decorating tools) from hard polyurethane foam, plywoods, cardboards and crazy objects that is considered to be creatively suitable by this artist. Finishing touch to the whole art work is given using acrylic stuff and the icing on the cake in the form of fake fruits.

This Cakeland is definitely an irresistible treat for all art lovers!