The New XPC Mod by Benjamin Franz Goes Beyond One’s Imagination

This is yet another example of case modification by the famous Benjamin Franz, a.k.a “Benny”.  For all those who don’t know what is case modification, famously known as case modding, here is a quick note. Case modding it is related to the designing or modification of computer cases or game console chassis. Mostly the handiwork of hardware enthusiasts, one purpose of case modification is to display the internal hardware of a computer system.


Modding can either be in the form of peripheral designing or case modding in which the task of designing is taken up from scratch. Peripheral designing, as the name suggests, is redesigning a computer periphery. This can include the keyboard, mouse, speakers etc. When it comes to case modding the entire PC is redesigned to give it a completely new appearance and shape.  Benjamin Franz is known as the “Guru” of case modding.

At the first glance you would not in the wildest of your imaginations believe that the new XPC mods designed by Benjamin Franz are actually PCs. The steel colored cover is designed like a box and gives the appearance of a complicated piece of technological device. The entire top of the system flips open to reveal the XPC chassis. The DVD drive is positioned at the bottom with all the cable and wires being placed above it. Users might have issues with this designing but if this is what the designer intended to have then there can be no arguments over it. It contains a lighting feature that gives a detailed view of the internal system of the machine. These models are not only designed for the beauty part of it but also keep the functionality aspect in mind.

Case modeling involves immense degree of imagination in which the mind is set to run free and in the run stumbles upon a thought that could be given a concrete shape. When computers were first introduced to the common man it came in the form of symmetrical boxes, with well defined parts and each part spoke for itself. This was enough to serve the purpose but a group of people found the appearance to be very simple and boring and hence set about to give the world a more ‘exciting’ and ‘fascinating’ experience. Along came the idea of case modding. A successful case modeled piece is the result of innumerable hours of planning and hard work.

Case modding has now taken the shape of a budding industry and has also given birth to case modding competitions. With constant competition in the market case models are now appearing in a wide variety of deigns and vibrant colors. You could be a proud and excited owner of one such piece if your wallet allows you the luxury.

There are several other such products that you could enjoy like Coffee Table Computer Mod and Beijing Digital Building PC Case Mod.

via: million-dollar-pc