35 Geeky Themed Canstruction Artworks

For geeks, there are many ways to profess their loyalty and love for various designs, and one really creative yet spectacular way is through Canstruction. It is simply the method of using various canned goods to build cool looking sculptures.

Here we gathered 35 various Canned sculptures that have the geeky theme in mind. Some may be better than others, but in the end, the Geek is the true winner of seeing such art come to life. For further information on each piece, check the artist’s portfolios provided as image sources.

Super Mario Cans

super mario bros canstruction artwork 1


super mario bros canstruction artwork 2

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Being one of the most popular video game characters of all time, Mario has been resurrected in these few impressions as the bold hero we know so well. As can be seen, few of the images are not necessarily of cans but are large Mario Soda Displays (and Donkey Kong) which are too good to ignore. Furthermore, the famous Piranha plant was also canned.

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super mario bros canstruction artwork piranha plant

Images: tanjatiziana, titka, Matias3000, Ren Norman

Pacman in a Can

pacman canstruction artwork 1

pacman canstruction artwork 2

Besides Mario, Pacman is the other king of popularity in video games, and these various Pacman canned sculptures represent great effort in making Pacman as real as possible.

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pacman canstruction artwork 5

Images: Troops, n8.laverdure, jessespector, juliechen, wallyg

Optimus Prime

transformers optimus prime canstruction artwork

The fearless leader of the Autobots comes in its own special canned art, which shows how a Geek can really Transform many cans into spectacular designs.

Image: Sonson


star wars r2d2 canstruction artwork

Star Wars geeks would really appreciate the mention of R2D2 within this collection.

Image: thatlostdog

They Canned Kenny!

kenny south park canstruction artwork

This may be a better end to good old Kenny that kind of makes him into a martyr and not a dead character.

Image: Super Bjorn


wall-e canstruction artwork 2

Instead of cleaning up the universe, Wall-E is now being put together using old cans and finally receives the credit he deserves. Even Eve makes her appearance.

wall-e canstruction artwork 1

Images: Russ Ann, excalipoor

iPod Can

apple ipod canstruction artwork 2

A cool recreation of the old school iPod that gives tribute to the Apple innovation.

apple ipod canstruction artwork 1

Images: jaysonnj, BuckheadJohn

Rubik’s Can

rubik's cube canstruction artwork

It may make it really difficult to solve, but the Rubik’s Cube canned art is just as cool and shows how popular it still is…to have a sculpture made of it.

Image:  j_bussmann

Spongebob Squarecans

sponsgebob squarepants canstruction artwork

Spongebob is smiling no matter where he is found, and with the can art, he is happy to have so many viewers.

Image: jsmjr

Mr. Potato Head

mr potato head canstruction artwork

We have seen some really great Mr Potato Head Designs before, but this is one of a completely different nature.

Image: Adventures of Tintin

Kermit, Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch

kermit canstruction artwork 1

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Here are 3 old school characters which have also been canned into a great sculpture.

big bird oscar the grouch canstruction artwork

Images: hackett, CarolynSerrano, wallyg

Harry Potter

harry potter canstruction artwork

We have seen some great Harry Potter Lego Sculptures created in the past, and here is another addition but with colorful cans.

Image: sonson

Mona Lisa

mona lisa canstruction artwork

I wonder if this particular Mona Lisa remake from canned beans will make her smile.

Image: CarolynSerrano

Hamburger from a Can

hamburger canstruction artwork

If Hamburgers were available in a can, just like Spam, would they receive such a great response? Well, here is a great Hamburger Design that is hard to miss.

Image: Super Bjorn


monopoly theme canstruction artwork

With all the different Monopoly Board Game Themes, who would ever think one would end up at the dinner table?

Image: andrew_ross

Sushi Cans

sushi combination canstruction artwork

Another great feast could begin thanks to this Sushi combination that is made out of cans.

Image: Clementinez

Toy Story Alien

toy story alien canstruction artwork

The three-eyed, green alien from Toy Story has also found its spot within all the Canstruction artworks.

Image: yumiang

Camera Design

camera canstruction artwork

Although this is really different than the Geeky Camera Designs, it is one that worth taking a picture of.

Image: Adventures of Tintin


operation game canstruction artwork

This Operation remake was not a simple project and makes a giant presentation of the classic game.

Image: chrisinphilly5448


snoopy canstruction artwork

Snoopy was canstructed to his famous napping form, which I am sure he would approve of.

Image: SpecialKRB


the jetsons rosie canstruction artwork

Jetsons fans would love to see Rosie get her own spot in this collection, and with such art, she deserves a spot.

Image: njchow82