CCAD Students Create a Super Mario Mural

It’s often been a credit to the culture of geekiness that arts pertaining to video games have become such a popular trend. The students at the Columbus College of Art and Design see things no differently.

In a recent newsworthy story, the students at CCAD created a mural of a Super Mario Bros. scene without Mario or Luigi, so that students can “interact” with the game.



As misleading as the title is, it is still pretty cool to be able to take your picture using it as a background and posing as if you just squashed that goomba. The mural is found on the wall of the administrative building at CCAD for the month of September. The mural is supposed to advertise the town hall meeting, which is the first of many events of its kind that gives students at CCAD a voice, and a chance to find answers to their questions and concerns.


The mural is 16 feet tall and 38 feet wide. It contains iconic images from the classic video game, and is framed by a classic NES controller. The mural was painted by 12 students and took 8 days to complete. It’s been labelled as interactive simply because there is no sign of Mario and Luigi, so people can kind of play around with poses they want for their pictures, and make it look like they’re actually in the game. These two students looked as if one were controlling the other playing as a game character.


There are quite a few familiar icons such as the power up mushroom, the fireball, the Latiku (yes, that’s the one on the cloud), the invincibility star, the goombas, the Koopa Troopa, and the castle.


You can also check out this Mario Table Shelf Painting, and these Mario Brothers Character quilts.

Via: NBC and BoingBoing