Halo Master Chief Helmet Made of Lego and Completely Wearable!

Halo. This one word is known to many and is also very dear to your hearts. When I was playing Halo with my friends, we all got so into the game, which we didn’t care if it was our friend or how, we just wanted to win and figure out way out!

Many of us have played Halo, well for those of you who haven’t tried your hands at this yet, you are missing out on something’s amazing, please try it and a caution here: it is addictive! So here is a brief description of the game for you people who haven’t played Halo before, may we convince you to try your hand at Halo.


Halo is first person shooter video games that has been developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft game studios for the Xbox 360 console Source: Wikipedia.

Since it is a first person shooter game and the players get really violent and into the game, they need some form of protection, so that their character don’t die out easily. So if you have ever wished that you could play Halo in real life (boy, that would be one hell of a game!) here is your chance to get hold of the helmet to use as a protection when playing the game or any other action related game.

This Master Chief Halo helmet has been made out of Lego and is wearable and looks exactly like it’s out of the game. You can also use this helmet when playing other games with your friends, which requires you to have some kinds of protection for your face. This can also be used a great gift for friends who are Halo fans.

Trust me, if your friends are Halo fans they will know the real value of possessing this helmet and your friends would certainly think you to be the coolest among they know, since you could get hold of a Halo helmet. So think about it, and if you love Halo, you will love this helmet.

How to build your own Halo Armor and Halo clay figures are some other cool related posts to Halo that might be of your interest, too be sure to check them out!

Via: techneblog.com