This Millennium Falcon cake is a geek dream come true

The most exciting part of the latest Star Wars trailer was seeing the Millennium Falcon again, and someone must have thought so too, because here it is again, in cake form.

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What you see here is the product of Cup A Dee Cakes‘ hard work, an incredibly detailed replica of Star Wars’ Millennium Falcon in cake form. The cake was made for a little guy named Kaben, who was turning 6, but even Han Solo himself would start salivating at this delicious treat’s sight.


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The Cup a Dee Cakes team are geniuses, and because geniuses are not greedy they’ve detailed the process in case any of you want to try your hand at it. If you decide to go for it, be sure to send us some pictures afterwards, because we would love to see.

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The ship is not only accurate, featuring all cannons, cockpit and doors seen in the movie but also extra care was put in the presentation setting a black background to simulate space flight. I bet I can eat it faster than it takes to do a Kessel run.

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Via Between the Pages

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