Che Stormtrooper Artist Busts: For Those Who Like The Dark Side

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Urban Medium is back with their CheTrooper line of products for a great combo of Che and the Star Wars Stormtroopers and are just in time for the holidays. The 7 inch bust of Che Guevara with a Stormtrooper mask is made from resin and would be the sort of thing every loyal Star Wars fan wants for himself this Christmas. After all, this may be the season of loving and giving but who says there isn’t anything more to fight for?!

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Decades after his death, Che Guevara still remains a symbol of rebellion, mostly for teenagers high upon changing the course of the world instantaneously. Che wasn’t known for his love of Star Wars (possibly because the movies came after his time) but that doesn’t stop faithful fans of The Force attempting to sign him up as a Trooper. And let’s face it, the bust looks great! With his flowing locks and starred beret right down to his military uniform, there’s no mistake the face behind that Trooper mask.

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The CheTrooper Artist Bust is available in the six colors of the rainbow (green looks best, it matches his uniform) for $50. So, is anybody interested in making a CastroTrooper to keep Che Guevara happy?

For other cool Stormtrooper art, check out the Stormtrooper Helmet Papercraft, the Star Wars Stormtroopers Coaster or even the shiny Chrome Stormtrooper Outfit.

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Via: UrbanMedium