8-Bit Is Coming – Game of Thrones The 8-Bit Game

Game of Thrones receives the retro-gaming treatment from a loving fan.

Game of Thrones 8-bit Game by Abel Alves image


What I’m about to say will probably lose me a whole lot of nerd cred, but I’m an honest dude. And an honest dude is gonna do, what an honest dude is gonna do. That said, and please don’t kill me guys… but I haven’t seen a single episode of Games of Thrones yet. Nada. Not even a snippet.

Yes, yes, I know. I’m a terrible nerd; perhaps the worst ever! Please do forgive me. Although if you can’t, then perhaps this adorable, retro-looking videogame version of the hit HBO fantasy series will be enough to calm your anger, or at least distract you long enough to make my getaway…

Game of Thrones 8-bit Game by Abel Alves image 2

Designed by Spanish comic artist Abel Alves, using Arcade Game Studio, Game of Thrones: The 8-Bit Videogame is an awesome freeware game where you can play as 4 different Game of Thrones characters – with their own special attacks & abilities – and challenge 4 levels based on individual story arcs from the TV show.

The game also presents some neat chiptune covers of the Game of Thrones theme-song and another track from the show called “Rain of Castemere” (created by hacker alias Floating Point.) I also shouldn’t forget those graphics, which are too cute for words. Strange, considering the show from what I’ve heard is anything but.

How cool was that, huh? No doubt a fully realized videogame based on Game of Thrones would be a blessing from the gods, probably more so if done in this exact same style. Big ups to Abel for bringing us this sweet fan-made game, and offering it for free on his website.

One of these days I’ll promise to marathon through the show on a rainy afternoon, but in the meanwhile, you can check out the latest in geek here on Walyou, featuring Facebook-flavored ice cream and a fish tank made from Lego.