Religion, when it’s taken too seriously, sucks. You know – Wars, death and all that stuff. People take Jesus way too seriously. The best way to put it all in context is by giving Jesus a geeky twist. You can’t take life too seriously when you can enjoy a good artwork of Jesus as a Pokemon character.
Zombie Jesus
Pretty fitting with all the raising the dead thing.
Jesus and Star Wars
Star Wars is a religion to some people, so this makes sense in a way.
But this makes even more sense. Jesus being a Jedi, on the forces of good and all.
Find Jesus. Reminds of me of Leutinant Dan in a way, or one of his rants at least.
The Jesus
Batman Jesus
If there’s one imaginary person I’m willing to follow to hell and back, it’s Batman. And Steven Gerrard, but that’s a different story.
Reach Out and Touch Faith – Marilyn Manson Jesus
Super Hero Jesus
Whimsicott Jesus
And Another Pokemon Reference
Mac > PC
Even Jesus preferred a Mac.