Halo 5, Metal Gear Solid 5 and More, Coming to Xbox One

As part of Microsoft’s E3 press conference, games such as a new Halo, Metal Gear Solid 5, Minecraft and more, have all been announced for release on Xbox One.

Xbox One logo


The most important part of any games console’s launch isn’t the big name celebrities who sponsor it, it’s not the specs of the hardware, or even the bombastic nature of its related press conferences. No, the most important thing about a console is its games. While the initial Xbox One reveal only showed off a few titles on the platform, Microsoft have today revealed even more and the best of the bunch are detailed here.

Halo 5 image

Halo 5

Little is known about Halo 5, however, what we do know is that it will likely utilise the cloud features of the Xbox One, suggesting a huge, new and extremely innovative form of multiplayer. We also know that it’s boasting some impressive graphics with the game’s developer, 343 Industries, saying that the game will run at a “blistering 60 frames-per-second.”

Project Spark image

Project Spark

Project Spark is being described as a “LittleBigPlanet with SmartGlass and Kinect”. Allowing you to build a world from scratch, this is effectively a game making tool for gamers. Making something out of nothing, you can give normal features such as rocks their own AI brains. You can then use this to develop whole stories around and then share the entire creation with your friends. SmartGlass and Kinect obviously allow for touch and voice command of your created world, making you feel just a little bit like God.

Metal Gear Solid 5 image

Metal Gear Solid 5

Announced today for the Xbox One (though it was previously only announced for Xbox 360 and PS3), this announcement is so relevant because it signals a huge title for Microsoft’s new console. As the MGS series was previously only found on PlayStation platforms, this is a huge deal. What else is a big deal with MGS5 is that the new Fox Engine that powers it will also allow for open world gameplay, which you can see in the video below.

Killer Instinct image

Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct is an Xbox One exclusive and is one of the 15 exclusive Xbox One titles that Microsoft promised will be released within the first year of the console’s launch. It’s a fighting game with nearly two decades of history, having originally beginning as an IP in 1994. Needless to say that there’s both a lot of legacy to preserve and a lot of experience from Rare, the dev team behind the game. So keen are Rare to make this a modern classic that Madcatz, the accessory makers, are even releasing a special fight stick alongside the title.

Microsoft aren’t the only ones announcing games for the Xbox One however, so keep visiting walyou to check up on any other important titles.

Read more on walyou, Xbox One Release Date, Pricing and New Xbox 360 AnnouncedMetal Gear Solid 5 stars Kiefer Sutherland as Snake