No Sorting Job for this Harry Potter Sorting Hat Cake

Birthdays are that one day in a year when children know that it is their right to be pampered. A lovely birthday party is accompanied with lots of friends, games and gifts. And the most important thing of all in the party is the cake. The cake is supposed to be the best cake ever, not only in taste but also in appearance. It is the center of attraction of the party and each child would want it to represent something very close to him/her. Hence we get to see a variety of designs in birthday cakes and new ones keep coming up.

One very different looking birthday cake created for a 10 year-old Harry Potter fan is the Sorting Hat cake. The cake can be said to be a true replica of the hat with only one difference. This hat is edible while the other is not. The Quirky Confectioner created this cake for friend’s daughter and got rave reviews for it. Though not available for tasting, you can definitely get to see pictures of the marvelous cake. You will not be able to stop yourself from showering praises on the baker, so perfect looking is the cake.

The Sorting Hat Cake has been given a vanilla flavor, has vanilla buttercream and is completely covered in fondant. To talk about cake flavors, it is surprising that there are only fixed number of flavors that all bakers repeatedly use but the designs they create out of these basic cakes is amazing. The base remains almost the same, the taste might be the same but the special ‘packaging’ given to the cake creates a whole new cake. You will not remember it by its flavor but by its appearance.

Take the Sorting Hat Cake for example. It is a basic vanilla cake. What makes a difference is the fondant covering that has been so artistically and minutely worked upon. The colors have been given due attention with proper shading in appropriate places. The patch at the back of the hat is not forgotten either. One look at this cake and you can make out that it has been created with complete dedication and love. The birthday child must have been a beaming child with this incredible looking cake.

It is the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter that helps sort kids in Hogwarts according to houses. This cake will, however, not indulge in any kind of sorting. Everyone will be invited to indulge themselves in the magic of this cake.

This cake looks yummy, isn’t it? Would you also care for some Earth Layer Cake and Angry Birds Cupcakes?