Incredible The Legend of Zelda Mosaic Coffee Table

Old school gamers will appreciate this beautiful piece of… living room furniture? Yes, it’s Legend of Zelda coffee table. A few months ago The Legend of Zelda celebrated its 30th anniversary. It’s incredible to see how popular and loves the game is still is, with so much time gone since it made its first appearance.

This is one of the best ways to add and old school stylish into your home, but doing it in a retro gaming chic geek kind of way. On instructables there’s a step by step guide on how to create this awesome coffee table.Incredible Mosaic The Legend of Zelda Coffee Table 2


This coffee table features the crest of Hyrule and is made out of 2400 tiles. In order to create this mosaic Ashley Smith used a cross-stitch pattern that you can find for free online. All you need to do is make sure you can easily see the lines so you know which tile to place where. There are a lot of methods on how to place to tile: just pick the best way for you. Overall, making the table cost less than $90.

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