LEGO Star Trek: Into Darkness Trailer

For Star Trek fans, the release of a new movie is always an event (though the less said about “Nemesis,” the better). It happens that there’s a new Star Trek movie coming out this summer called “Into Darkness.” A couple of fans have made a LEGO version of the trailer in celebration.

Everyone knows that things made in LEGO are better than awesome things, even as already awesome things as the “Star Trek” universe, though reaction among the fandom to the rebooted movie series has been mixed, to say the least.

Antonio Toscano and Andrea Toscano have created the LEGO trailer below:

And here’s the real trailer:

It’s amazing how similar they are, even if the former is obviously done with toy blocks. It also highlights the creativity of the Star Trek fan community and fan communities in general. People don’t just watch shows and movies anymore. They engage with them. Although it’s a lot more visible on the Internet, fandom activities, like fan fiction have been around for a long time.

Star Trek fans were ahead of the curve, circulating self-published magazines, or ‘zines, through the mail. A lot of the intensive fan activiity may have been due simply to the premature cancellation of the original series back in the late ’60s. Joss Whedon fans, Trekkies sure know what you’ve been through.

If you’re a fan of Star Trek, you might enjoy seeing the characters done in a Pixar animation style. You might also be interested in some Star Trek tattoos.