Nintendo Themed Arcade Cabinet

Pure Nintendo power wrapped up in a cool arcade cabinet that was built in a garage.

Nintendo Themed Arcade Cabinet by mystery_smelly_feet image 1


It’s a thing of beauty, a sunset on a tropical island. Feast your eyes on an arcade cabinet infused with the best traits of the NES, with a joystick and button layout dressed as a giant NES gamepad and that classic Nintendo marquee bringing it harmoniously together.

Of course, this machine can play the classics, Super Mario World as you see here, and even modern day hits, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, due in part to the MAME emulator that’s installed on a well-spec’d 3.2 GHz Intel i5 PC using a 32-inch LCD as its display.

Nintendo Themed Arcade Cabinet by mystery_smelly_feet image 2

Hacker alias mystery_smelly_feet (a weird name, but I admire its originality) built this awesome Nintendo themed arcade cabinet in the course of two months on his weekends, and spent roughly about $2,000 on parts, stuff like wood, tools, computer, TV, and whatever else needed.

Nintendo Themed Arcade Cabinet by mystery_smelly_feet image 3

Not too shabby for a weekend project (which you can see more of here). And if mystery_smelling_feet does plan on saying no to potential buyers and keeping it in his garage, I’m sure it’ll be the most popular garage amongst his friends and the envy of the whole Internet.

Heck, if I knew where he lives I’d go there in an instant just to play it. But I guess I’ll just have to stay on the sidelines, admire from afar, and tell you guys about all the latest geeky news from, such as wacky Google Easter eggs and the pre-order info for the Nvidia Shield.