Pac-Man Soaps from Fushichos Gallery

Let Pac-Man and company eat way dirt and grime with this package of adorable soaps.

Pac-Man soaps by Fushichos Gallery image 1


Do Pac-Men (Pac-People?) take baths? I mean, I faintly remember watching the Pac-Man cartoon of the 1980s, but never once did I see a shower scene featuring any of the characters – not that I was looking for one in the first place.

Anyway… I have it on good authority that people like to take baths. Gamers too; well some of of them if you’ve ever been to a convention (yeesh). But for the distinguished gamer who does value cleanness, today’s item should be on the top of their list.

Made by Esty shop Fushichos Gallery, it’s a cute set of Pac-Man soaps that are available in your choice of lovely fragrances like Apple Orchard, Cafe Mocha, or Lilac. Pretty much whichever combination of smells you’d like.

Pac-Man soaps by Fushichos Gallery image 2

And while your order might be limited to 2 Pac-Men and 4 ghosts (6 in all), they do come in a rainbow-selection of pretty colors to choose from, making that $6.00 USD price point all the more sweeter, or rather “cleaner” in this case.

Visit Fushichos Gallery if you’re interesting in picking up this neat box of soaps; they make a great party gift for any gamer, or maybe a subtle “uh, hey, I like you and all, but you smell really bad duder” hint to any friend.

Here’s another hint: you should be reading everyday, where we’ve got incredible geeky graffiti, classy LEGO chandeliers, and what is fresh from the world wide web.