Breakfast of Champions: Paper Style

Ah, breakfast. Whether it’s a quick muffin and coffee eaten on your way out the door, or a full, artery-busting fry-up late on a Sunday morning, a good breakfast is one of the culinary treasures of a life well lived. Unfortunately, despite its importance and deliciousness, breakfast is almost always overshadowed by its flashier cousins. Lunch is the fun, tasty meal that breaks up the day and gets you out of the office for awhile, and dinner is the attention-hogging, fancy-pants banquet that steals all the glory. Poor, under-appreciated breakfast is more often than not seen as the utility meal, just something to get you through the morning.

French design collective Paper Donut respectfully disagrees. They have created the Curious Breakfast, a collection of classic (and some not so classic) breakfast foods rendered entirely in paper. According to the very peculiar English on their website, the Curious Breakfast is meant to represent the common ingredients of a French or American breakfast. And by “American,” we mean what a bunch of French designers wrongly assume people in the U.S. eat in the morning. Some of the items, like juice, milk, eggs, and bacon fit the bill, but who eats chocolate or fries for breakfast? Cultural mistakes aside, the paper items are pretty cool to look at and would make a great decoration for a trendy kitchen.. Unless it’s 7:30 AM and you’re hungry. Then they’re just cruel.


For some more amazing paper crafts, check out this collection of modern origami or a do-it-yourself paper iPhone.