Despite being digital designers, we still need to enter the print world to sketch out final ideas. Web Designers can create rough mockups of their work but they tend to lack the structure, neatness and alignment during the sketching process. Paper Browser wants to solve that problem.
What Is Paper Browser
Paper Browser is nothing new in the sense that it’s your typical flashy designer notebook. What makes Paper Browser unique is the pre-made templates. Pages are filled with proportionate grids that are 960 grid friendly and include pixel perfect boxes to emulate accurate width and height once you transfer your ideas to a computer.
There are sections for comping out ideas if you’re in a quick sketch kind of mood and ideas are kept separate from roughs or wireframes in progress. Sheets are perforated making it easy to tear out. The notebook version is available for pre-order but you can download templates from Rain Creative Labs.
Each browser box is 1024 x 768 and divided in to widths 1024, 960 and 800 boxes with each box representing one square pixel.