Get Back Your Fav Sega Games With This ‘Portable’ Sega Saturn Mod

Sega had given a huge boost to our gaming madness way back in 1994 by releasing it’s 32-bit Sega Saturn gaming console and definitely we do remember the awesome 2D games that we used to play on it, don’t we? Thanks to a user on benheck forums, who has revived the console after 11 long years by making it portable.

sega saturn portable

This Homemade Portable Sega Saturn, that may not look so impressive, totally exceeds expectations (even mine). It has impressively got a 7” LCD screen on the front of the box while having speakers at the front bottom, a joystick and triggers on either sides of the screen, memory card slot and a VCD card is also integrated allowing for video CD’s to be played back. The console is also provided with a battery that needs a 9v supply that is pretty good for watching your favorite videos or movies on this unit. Over all, it’s a good attempt to bring back the Sega Gaming fever so grab this one and get gaming with your favorite Panzer Dragoon and NiGHTS!




Now that the Sega frenzy is bound to be back , you can check out Sega Dreamcast Controller iPhone Dock or Bacteria’s Latest IntoDream Portable Sega Dreamcast.

Saturn3Ben Heck via:[Gadget Venue]