Custom Zombie Yoshi an Evil Resident in Any Collection

Now I know I’ve killed Mario his brother and all of his friends more times than I care to admit but that just wasn’t enough for KodyKoala who decided that using up his last life was no more than a momentary inconvenience for our beloved dinosaur friend Yoshi. Meet Zombie Yoshi Bowser and every Koopalings worst nightmare.

No this is not a Mario Bros Resident evil crossover. Though who wouldn’t want to see that. Resident Evil 13: Escape from Yoshi’s Island perhaps. Bowser genetically altered as part of the nemesis program, Princess Toadstool sporting the latest in combat boots and automatic weapons and poor old Yoshi the carrier of the T-virus (Tyrant virus is just a hop skip and jump from one of Yoshi’s family members the Tyrannosaurus, coincidence I think not). Stuck on the Island surrounded by brain chewing zombies with a hankering for Italian food Mario and Luigi wait for the princess to blast her way to their rescue. All the while hoping that the Nemesis experiment gone wrong doesn’t find them first.


Yoshi Zombie

Who wouldn’t play that game?

Yoshi Zombie
Okay probably a few of you.

KodyKoala and me are on the same page though. The world needs more zombies the more gruesome the better. Who knew all those many many many years ago that Mario and Luigi’s faithful companion was destined to become so ridiculously cool. Zombie Yoshi’s inspiration comes from a Robot Chicken clip where Mario and Luigi end up in Vice city and at the end of the clip they show Yoshi driving to Raccoon city. KodyKoala decided to take that clip as his departure point and ended up with the most macabre Yoshi the world’s ever seen.

Yoshi Zombie

The attention to detail is astounding in this zombie rendition of Yoshi, everything from guts hanging out, a dangling eyball to a gaping hole where a cheek should be ensure that this definitely no child’s play thing. KodyKoala I auctioning the Zombie Yoshi on Ebay so have a look if you like your Mario characters super ghoulish.

Yoshi Zombie

I’m pretty sure you’ll be looking at Mario and the gang a little differently from now on and long may KodyKoala continue to zombify sub cultures.

Via: Flickr