Gotta Go Fast – Sonic the Hedgehog in First Person Video

Discover the Green Hill Zone in an unusual and kind of disorienting viewpoint; through the eyes of Sega’s popular speedster.

Sonic First Person Screen Shot image


You’re about to enter the mind of a hedgehog. Not your ordinary run-of-the-mill Atelerix albiventris (domesticated hedgehog), mind you; I’m talking about Sonic the Hedgehog, the Sega mascot who enjoys his chilli dogs with extra chilli if you please.

And if you ever wondered what a speedy romp through Green Hill Zone would look like through Sonic’s green-tinted pupils, and honestly who hasn’t really, then talented video creator Filipe B. Costa (by way of Machinima) offers us a first-person vision of just that.

Just a little warning though, the following video – albeit a fantastic, fully 3D approximation on Filipe’s part – is pretty dizzying. Geeze, I don’t know what keeps Sonic from barfing up his breakfast after going through those loop-de-loops and flying sky high off those springs.

Yeah… I’m kind of glad Sega has stuck – for better or worse – to a behind the back perspective for the Blue Blur’s outings. I don’t think I could handle a full game of this… at least that’s what my poor eyes and tummy are telling me right now. Whoaboy…

That aside, what a great little animation. Oh, but Filipe has more splendid first-person remakes of other popular videogames (Street Fighter II, a Goomba from Super Mario Bros., and more) via his YouTube page, so please go show him some merry Likes, Subscribes, and what not.

And you can certainly show that same lovin’ right here on Walyou. Where we’ve got the latest in geekery like visual-feedback smartphone chargers and a robot bartender that serves up your drink order with none of the sass!