Awesome Star Wars Dodge Ram Van

This Star Wars themed fan van is the single most awesome Dodge Ram I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. It’s also up for sale.

star wars fan van

Sometimes you have to wonder what possesses the diehard fans to craft simply awesome pieces of fan gear. In this case, I’m talking about one heck of an awesome Star Wars themed Dodge ram that one fan put together a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.


According to our source, the van is currently being listed over ebay by user krayzee4carz and this bad boy can be yours for only 9 grand. Apparently the vehicle is in good working order, the paint has no fading and is just plain awesome to own.

awesome star wars van

The amount of love and attention to detail that went into crafting the custom paint job for this van is staggering. The color scheme is very “Rebel Alliance”, and well complimented by the numerous Rebel emblems that dot key points of the van, notably on the front above the engine.

The X-Wing that’s flying out of the side is so cheesy that it’s awesome, as is Darth Vader’s stern face that gives disapproving looks to every other vehicle on the road. There’s even a tiny decal of two Jedis duelling it out just above the front tires.

If there was one vehicle designed to instill jealousy into the hearts of Star Wars fan, this would be it.

There’s also something really 1980s about it. Just seeing pictures like this makes me want to grow a mullet and blast Def Leppard as loud as possible as I hop on to the freeway and show the Empire what it’s like to strike back. In fact it kind of reminds me of that space Winnebago that was featured in the Star Wars spoof Space Balls.

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