The Uncanny X-Men Paper Craft Toys

If you’re a fan of Marvel, especially of the X-Men series, then you might be interested in a little art project with paper crafts. X-Men fan and paper craft designer Luis Renato Kriegel created these neat little toys that you can make with paper, and have as decoration models or collectibles around the house or on your trophy cases.



These designs by Luis Renato Kriegel are very cool because not only are they hand made and designed by the artist, they also represent something that fans can enjoy making and showing off to other fans. This particular set features the uncanny X-Men, with costume and all, featuring some of the well known characters, such as Scott Summers.


The set also features Emma Frost, Beast, Kitty Pride, Lockhead, Colossus, and Wolverine with their Uncanny X-Men Costumes. The detail and design on them look great.


Apart from the odd and monotonous shape that these figures take, they’re colorful, detailed, and unique, front and back.


Some of the designs are pretty funny too; Beast looks quite humourous, but of course, that’s because it was a limited shape design. In any case, the overall design is really neat, and works well with the artwork.


I especially liked Lockhead because his design was the most varying and was shapewise pretty unique, but the great thing about it is that these designs aren’t particularly difficult to construct and are also fairly attractive to look at. The overall look and feel is just incredibly amazing, and it seems like something anyone with some amount of fine motor skills can try.


The color schemes and designs vary in detail and depth but overall, it is very cool and very well done. As a fan of the series, I can say I’m truly impressed and if I had any sense of artistic ability, I would be making one of these right now instead of working on this article.


The set may not be complete in terms of the characters, but it’s obvious that as it is, it works well since it has a couple major characters and a couple of the ones that aren’t as well known. Of course, no set is complete without Wolverine.


You can check out some more Amazing Papercrafts such as these Stormtrooper Helmet papercrafts or this Life Sized Link Papercraft.