Build You Own 1980s Arcade With This Lego City Arcade Machine Set

Travel back to the golden age of the arcades with this awesome Lego City set by Tiny Bricks.

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If there’s one great thing about Lego sets, is that you can relive – if only in bright, plastic block form – any moment from the past. Even if it’s just as far back as the height of the arcade boom in the late 1980s, where the quarters were plenty and there was pizza from as far as the eye could see. Ahh… what a late twentieth century renaissance it was.

Delivering on those warm 80s’ arcade nostalgic feelings, like a hot pepperoni slice straight from the oven, is Tiny Bricks and their Lego City Arcade Machines set. Currently on sale through their Etsy site for $69.99(USD), Tiny Bricks recreates six famous arcade machines from the time; all of them totally radical, handmade from official Lego blocks, and plastered with the same marquees and posters used for their real world approximations.

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Here’s what Lego-fied arcade cabinets you get with this set:

  • Tron
  • Atari Pole Position
  • Donkey Kong
  • Superman
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Pacman

A well-round selection for a 1980s arcade set, if I must say. That Pole Position one is fantastic with its amount of detail.

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Tiny Bricks even threw in a punk rocker mini-figure as a bonus, complete with stylish pink mohawk, who no doubt will fit into his sticky-carpet, neon-lighted environment. All that’s left is to build is a pizza parlor or a mall outlet, and you’ve got the right trappings for what made gaming back then an age of discovery, where the alluring call of lights and sounds buzzing from a arcade machine, opened a world of unknown possibilities.

Your world of possibilities opens here on Walyou with our coverage of the day’s geekiest finds, such as 5 awesome Avengers propaganda posters, and 15 of the best YouTube channels you should be added to your queue.