Final Fantasy XIII-2 Getting Mass Effect 3 Armor DLC

RPG worlds collide with a batch of future DLC that adds Mass Effect 3 costumes to Final Fantasy XIII-2.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Mass Effect 3. Two hugely popular role-playing games, but from two totally deviating ends of the same spectrum. On one end is a Japanese RPG, often having brighter graphics, young pretty protagonists, and linear game progression, and on the other, a Western RPG, featuring semi-realistic visuals, gruff adult heroes, and a greater emphasis on roaming.

Never would you think that these two RPG heavy hitters, so fundamentally different, would ever cross paths in a bajillion years. Heck, it’s hard enough picturing devout fans of each sub-genre making nice, as is. Yet, by some planet-aliening force, or really just money, both games are finally meeting – some what – through an upcoming downloadable content pack for Final Fantasy XIII-2, which will add Mass Effect 3 costumes.

The DLC pack – available first in Japan on March 27 – will specifically add Commander Shepard’s iconic N7 Armor to the customizable wardrobe for Final Fantasy XIII-2 world-savers, Serah Farron, younger sister to FF XIII heroine, Lightning, and plucky newcomer, Noel Kreiss. Both youngsters seem to pull of Shep’s armor quite nicely, albeit with a slightly disgruntled look about the whole thing.

Not enough clothing layers or zippers, I’m guessing. Ugh, I know how they feel.

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Square Enix, Final Fantasy overlords, haven’t yet placed a North American date for the Mass Effect 3 costume DLC, though with the immense love (or extreme outrage – goodness will you people chill) the Mass Effect series has here and parts elsewhere, I’m not sure why they wouldn’t. Plus that’s so much easy “Dolla Dolla Bills Y’all” money for them, and when has Square Enix ever turned down that. Exactly, never.

Hmm, maybe it will actually get Western RPG players to finally give Japanese RPGs a sporting chance… Oh, who am I kidding. *Sigh*

We’ve got it all – marvelous geeky things big and small – all right here on Walyou. Big, like this hilarious giant-sized knife (ha, it looks like one of those foam sombreros), and small, such as these lovely illustrations that depict all of the countless Harry Potter movies, spoiler-ish scene by spoiler-ish scene. Enjoy.