If you’re ever looking for an idea on how to propose to your future Mrs. (unless it’s she proposing to him), either count on the other person being obsessed with some sort of geeky related subject like a video game or sci-fi/fantasy series, or simply ask for advice from a geeky friend in the neighborhood.
R2-D2 Style
With the Cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation
Inside a Harry Potter Book
The Mario Proposal
Marrying a Decepticon
A Pleasant Toy Story Surprise
Lord of the Rings Meets Doctor Who
The Stargate Offer
Pokemon Trainer
Green Lantern & Sinestro
Hacked Version of Bejeweled
Popcap, the company that makes Bejeweled, was so impressed by the proposal that they offered to pay for the honeymoon and gave every guest at the wedding a free copy of the game.
Cat5e Connector Rings
The Portal Proposal
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Chest
D10 Dice Ring
For more awesome ways to geekify your marriage proposal, check out 5 geeky marriage proposals as video game hacks.