Stylish and Minimalist Superhero Posters

Animation and 3D has allowed artists to be themselves and unleash their power of creativity. Much of the time, this artistic force is minimalist and very simple but hold enormous interpretive powers.

With that in mind, you might want to take a look at this huge collection of superhero posters that were designed and uploaded by a certain bloop. bloop seems to be an animation artist whose information is very less, but the amount of work that this artist has created is simply mind-blowing. The collection of posters includes work that was commissioned to him, and work that he completed for art’s own sake. The posters that struck a note in my mind included this incredibly minimalist poster inspired by The Bride. The Bride is an alter of Uma Thurman in the movie Kill Bill, and the lack of facial features in the poster seem to suggest that the bride could only think about revenge and nothing else.

The Mario poster is less morbid but is bizarrely red. Perhaps the red Mario is a subtle hint towards the Cold War which ensued between the U.S. and Soviet Russia back in the 70s and 80s, which is also the period when video games began to become popular.

The Ninja Turtle poster is minimalist too, and is dominated by four shades of green and 4 different eye-patches for the turtles.

There isn’t much to say about this Samus Aran poster, except that it leaves you in a surreal space, which allows you to imagine the impossible.

The Goblin Lord looks deliciously evil, and that’s just the way I like him.

The artist has uploaded 129 posters like I mentioned earlier and the collection includes almost all the superheroes that one could possibly think of. You could also go ahead and take a look at the Angry Birds Superhero Mashups and a list of 30 Marvel Superhero Clothing Creations, which we had listed sometime ago.