11 Sweetest Artworks of Rocket & Groot

Now that Guardians of the Galaxy has become a mainstream thing and not just for comic book fans, the world can enjoy the wonderful partnership of Rockets and Groot, and appreciate the awesome art to celebrate this friendship between a potty mouth raccoon and a sweet, bodyguard tree.

As Calvin and Hobbes

As Calvin and Hobbes

Huggin’ means Lovin’


Matching outfits are cute too

Matching Outfits

Groot can be scary without wanting to sometimes

Scary Groot

Nurturing of Nature

Friend helping friends

Something weird about the scale in this one

Exploring Space

Crayon Style

Crayon Style


The Raccoon Version of Al Pacino

Scarface Rocket

The Otis Frampton Version

The Otis Frampton Version


A book, not a comic book

The Book

A Bird Joins Them

A bird joins


Hat tip

For more awesome fan art, check out the best of 2012 and 2013 which as you can expect has plenty of other Marvel superheroes.