Rare Sega Pluto Prototype Outed by Former Sega Employee

Discovered by a former Sega employee, its a unseen console from a part of Sega’s past.

Sega Pluto prototype console image 1


You know the Master System, Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast, but do you recall the most mysterious Sega console of all? Neither do I, because I’ve never seen it before today.

It’s being called the Sega Pluto, and the reason we now know of its existence is due to a self-proclaimed ex-Sega employee going by the hacker alias of Super Magnetic, who on the Assembler Games forum, posted pictures of the never before seen piece of Sega hardware, of which only two were ever made.

It’s strictly a prototype made by Sega of America proper, and oddly enough doesn’t look much different from a Sega Saturn; note the Sega Saturn logo stamped on the box. And that’s basically what is according to Super Magnetic, except for the Netlink modem built in and found on the back.

Sega Pluto prototype console image 2

Same Saturn hardware (you can plug in Saturn controllers too), certainly a differently shaped body plus the added modem – which adds a bunch of bulk that rivals the original Xbox – but aside from that, pretty much identical to the 32-bit console.

Fascinating, but what I’d like to know is why this console exists in the first place? Did Sega at one point plan to introduce online functionality with the Saturn before including it in the Dreamcast? Sega was a forward thinking hardware-making company, for better or worse.

Mostly worse because it was that relentless pursuit of supporting new console after new console that sadly caused Sega to exit from the hardware business.

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I don’t know how Super Magnetic was able to just take home a top-secret console all willy-nilly like it was a stapler from the supply closet, but it’s super cool that he was able to and thus preserve an amazing relic from Sega’s console past.

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