Space Invaders Mobile by Shawn Hampton

Let this cool laser-cut bamboo Space Invaders mobile invade your little one’s crib with love. D’awww!

Space Invaders Mobile by Shawn Hampton image 1


Gamers aren’t born from some test-tube, they’re made. For me, it was getting a Super Nintendo around age 6 that sent me down this cursed path of being an avid gamer, but if you want to start younger than that with your bouncy new bundle of joy, then why not consider a Space Invaders mobile.

Now, there’s no 100% guarantee that getting one of Shawn Hampton’s Space Invaders mobiles will turn your youngling into the next Billy Mitchell – former world-record score holder of Pac-Man and hot-sauce salesman – but they do nicely complement almost any nursery.

Space Invaders Mobile by Shawn Hampton image 2

Each mobile is made from laser-cut bamboo and tied together with steel wire, a very minimal look that’s quite fetching in my opinion. Size wise though, at 36 inches in width and 36 inches in height, you’re going to need a little ample room to hang it – so keep that in mind.

Right now you can head on over to Shawn’s Esty shop Pixel Party to buy a Space Invaders mobile for your little one or for a friend who’s expecting their own for $75.00 USD. Pricey? A tad, but there’s a lot of hand-crafted love put into each one.

And isn’t that worth it for your young gamer-to-be? Indeed it is! You’ll also find that we here at also put love into every geeky thing we cover, i.e. the latest in tech and gaming news, so stay tuned friends!