10 Incredibly Fun Spy Gadgets

What seemed futurism in James Bond’s early movies can now be purchased in many stores. This is a selection of gadgets that will make you feel like a real spy.

James Bond and other spies have fascinated the world for generations now: we all want to be them and uncover secret plots while saving the world in the process. That’s not something likely to happen in the short term, though (most of us don’t even work for a government) but we still can get to have some fun with some special gadgets. Here’s a compilation of some incredibly fun devices you can purchase right now and use around the office, at school or at home – but make sure they’re used for a good cause!

Pen With Hidden Mini Camera For DV DVR

Spy Gadgets Pen CameraThis is a Pen with a hidden mini Camera Recorder with DV DVR capabilities. What this device does is incredibly cool for it features both photographic and video capabilities. The photos are high resolution color pictures of 3840×2880 resolution on JPG format, while video instead is 960×720 resolution at 30 FPS, AVI format. This is not the greatest quality in the world (although it’s very decent), but the whole point of it is that the camera is unnoticeable to the unaware, and you can record up to 2 GB of information in its internal memory with micro SD Slot expandable capabilities to up to 8gb. It’s on sale for just above $10 USD.


Spy X Micro Voice Disguise

Spy Gadgets Spy X Micro Voice Disguise

The Spy X Micro Voice Disguise is a fun, cheap gadget for your secret spy missions. It allows you to record messages for your team to find, which you can in turn modify and twist so no one will know their source, or who even said that. It’s best used with more than one device so the conversation can go back and forth, but even just one should sate your creepy messages needs. It costs $11.99, and requires a single battery to function.

SPY NET: Stealth Video Glasses

Spy Gadgets Spy Net Stealth Video Glasses

This is another clever way to record information in the most discrete way. The SPY NET: Stealth Video Glasses feature a hidden camera that can record up to 20 minutes of video and over 2,000 pictures, which you can retrieve plugging them to any computer with a USB connection, and even back up information in the cloud at SpyNetHQ, The idea is to allow the user to record video or take pictures stealthily, so if you’re outside (or maybe inside a building in Vegas, people do that), this gadget will solve all your recording issues.

SpyX / Micro Eyes & Ears

Spy Gadgets SpyX Micro Eyes & Ears

Here’s the thing with the SpyX / Micro Eyes & Ears: although they advertise themselves as toys, they actually work, and they work really well. This set includes two gadgets that will allow you to see in the dark and listen in on far away sounds with the Micro Super Ear and Micro Ear Light, allowing you to be stealthy and comfortable while wearing them.

Clock Diversion With Hidden Safe

Spy Gadgets Clock Diversion With Hidden Safe

What to do with the information once you’ve already retrieved it? The Clock Diversion With Hidden Safe is an inconspicuous clock that would fit pretty much anywhere without raising suspicion, but can hide all kinds of things inside it such as USB flashdrives, Micro SD cards, or even valuables. You can get yours for under $30 USD.

Sharpie Type Invisible Ink UV Marking Pen Marker

Spy Gadgets Invisible Ink Pen

The Sharpie Type Invisible Ink UV Marking Pen Marker is, as its name implies, an invisible ink pen. The reason we recommend this one over any other pens of its kind is because the way it works doesn’t require burning paper or anything weird like that to work. This pen uses UV ink, invisible to the naked eye, which turns blue under ultraviolet light. It’s perfect if you need to label your cell phone, laptop, MP3 player, or even your other spy gadgets when you don’t know who to trust.

The Spy Bolt Covert Hidden Contents Secret Container

Spy Gadgets Spy Bolt Covert Hidden Contents

Here’s another cool way to hide information. These bolts are regular-sized bolts that are completely hollow so you can store things inside. The Spy Bolt is inspired by a similar device used way back in the Cold War by the KGB, and features an O-ring weather-proof storage for small valuables or communications. What’s more, despite its normal size, the capacity of each container is incredibly huge at 4mL.

NuoYa001 Invisible Spy Earphone

Spy Gadgets NuoYa001 Invisible Earpiece Bug

The NuoYa001 Invisible Spy Earphone is, basically, a bug that allows you listen to conversations you shouldn’t be listening to. This mini wireless inductive receiver transforms audio signal through electromagnetic induction while remaining well hidden and stelathy, and is the perfect means of communication with someone else. The best part, though, is how easily and well it conceals and how it only requires a small battery to work while costing only $23.09 USD.

Toughsty HD Hidden Camera In Sports Hat

Spy Gadgets Toughsty HD Hidden Camera Sport Hat CapThe Toughsty is yet another hidden camera, this time inside a sports cap featuring the New York Yankees logo, because being a fan of them is as inconspicuous as it gets. The camera can record up to 8GB of full 1920x1080P HD quality video with a camera that is impossible to spot unless you already know it’s there. It even features a motion activated sensor so you can even leave it somewhere and come pick it up afterwards. It costs $57.99, which is a great price for such a high-quality recording device.

CDPro Professional Hidden Camera Detector

Spy Gadgets CDPro Professional Hidden Camera Detector


Being a good spy is not only about getting the information we need, but also predicting whether our enemies or opponents have anticipated our movements. The CDPro Professional Hidden Camera Detector is not a toy or funny little gadget, but a real, working device that will help you do exactly what its name implies: to detect whether or not you’re under surveillance. It can detect both PAL and NTSC, the two most common video standards and scanning capabilities of 1.2 GHz and bands for up to 300 feet. Scanning is performed automatically once the device is on,  even automatic once you turn on the detector. And remember, it’s not paranoia if it turns out you were right all along!    

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