Star Wars: A New Hope Recreated by Its Fans

How many times have you stepped out of the movie theater thinking “I could’ve done that scene better!”? Star Wars fans  recreated Episode IV, to show either how much they liked the movie or what could’ve been better.

It all started in 2009, when Casey Pugh created what would later become Emmy-winning (Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media) Star Wars Uncut. At that time, Casey Pugh asked Star Wars fans to shoot 15-second long sequences from Episode IV: A New Hope. Now that the entire movie has been covered, the pieces have been put together and we get to see the final result. Video editor Aaron Valdez and sound designer Bryan Pugh are the ones “guilty” for bringing this to life in its current format.


Fans can also watch the movie on YouTube if for some reason they prefer that video-sharing website more than Vimeo (I know I don’t). Unfortunately, the movie is only available in 480p, but I guess this is better than nothing. This resolution has been probably chosen as a common factor for the videos that were sent in by the fans. Either way, Star Wars Uncut: Director’s Cut, as the fan-made movie is known, is about 123 minutes long, so make sure you get comfy and grab some ice-cream (if you wonder why I did not say popcorn or pizza, here is the reason).

Some of the things you will get to see in Star Wars Uncut: Director’s Cut that were not in the original include:

  • A Lego Han Solo
  • Emo kids (oops!)
  • My Little Pony (don’t ask me, ask the fans!)
  • Paris Hilton as Princess Leea (really now?)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures as rebels
  • The Cowboy from Toy Story

Obviously, the movie is full of objects and characters that were not present in George Lucas’ movie. This probably stands to show that fans can get quite creative sometimes, since they reimagined the sequences and the roles in such a different way. The Star Wars Uncut project has been featured in documentaries, news features and at sci-fi conventions all around the world, so I’m rather curious to see what is the reaction of the public to the final product.

If you liked this post, please check this evil R2D2 3D model and the Imperial March sung by a dog choir.