Lucky Nephew Gets Steampunk Nintendo Console

Nintendo’s 8-bit video game console is one of the relics from the last century and is already sold as a vintage gadget. A gaming enthusiast has gone ahead and modded the Nintendo console in a Steampunk manner and the results are pretty amazing.


Andrew5785 customized the SteamPunk Nintendo for his nephew and he seems to have used a defunct console for the purpose. With several metallic objects fitted right into the console, he managed to turn the 80s console into something from the Victorian era.

In fact, if Lord Chamberlain were to take a look at this Steampunk monstrosity, he would be proud of the Victorian heritage that still shines upon characterless gadgets of the 20th and 21st centuries, Covered in copper and aluminum, the console looks really retro and the nephew must have been really lucky to get an artistic console like this for no price at all.

It is not clear how much the modder spent on customization and it is also not clear if he plans to customize other consoles similarly. In fact, if this guy decides, he can start a business custom-designing consoles and turning them into Steampunk works of art. Unfortunately, there is no more information about either the modder or how he customizes consoles. It is also not clear if he will ever do it for money but if he did, he stands to make a lot of money.

Steampunk, if you didn’t know, is an art movement that derives inspiration from the Industrial and Victorian ages at the turn of the previous century. It is characterized by the use of brass, copper and other metals.

You could also go ahead and take a look at the Steampunk Lightsaber, which will impress every Star Wars fan out there. The Steampunk Mr. Potato Head is cute, but a little weird.