U.S. Army Advises How to Handle the Zombie Apocalypse

Hurricanes and earthquakes are no longer the only disasters you have to prepare for, as the zombie apocalypse made the list, too. Fear not, though, as the U.S. Army will teach you how to manage this situation, too!

With the excuse that hurricanes are not that different from a zombie apocalypse, in terms of preparation, officers at the Fort Sam Houston in Texas called Max Brooks, the author of soon-to-be-turned-into-a-Brad-Pitt-movie zombie apocalypse novel World War Z, to talk to the young soldiers during the U.S. Army-North’s Hurricane Rehearsal of Concept drill.


The Zombie Survival Guide that Brooks put together combines tips and advices for all sorts of calamities, not only the zombie apocalypse. Out of the bunch, some that are worth a mention include: get yourself a solar or crank powered radio, buy a water purification system such as the Lifesaver bottle, and not at last, keep your socks dry!

Apparently, Brooks is idolized by soldiers, especially by the ones on the battlefields from Iraq and Afghanistan. This happens mostly because World War Z offers strategies on how to confront the walking dead, while all the other zombie novels are synonyms to… “RUN!” Also, in Brooks’ novel, the zombies pose a threat to national security, so it’s no wonder that soldiers love the book so much!

My advice? Think a bit before giving your life for the country. The world can live just as fine without exaggerated nationalism and chauvinism. Sometimes, I ask myself: Why can’t we be friends?

“For the first time, you have young people being interested in being prepared, being ‘tricked into’ taking care of themselves, really, because even if the zombie apocalypse does not happen, they will be ready for the next hurricane or next disaster.”

I agree that it’s very important to be prepared for emergencies and natural disasters, but seriously, a zombie apocalypse?! What’s next? The U.S. Army will instruct people how to fight Pokemons or vampires and werewolves a la Twilight?? If only they redirected the money that goes on wars and armies to research, development, and education in general! Basically, the armies should concentrate on real strategies that help people survive after cataclysms instead of discussing zombies and using metaphors to ensure that soldiers don’t lose focus. Keep it real, people! I’ll leave you to listen Idiocracy by Pain of Salvation, one of my favorite songs ever, since it seems to become more and more relevant.

If you liked this post, please check the zombie apocalypse guitar and these zombie style wedding photos.