Xbox One Release Date Announced as November 22nd

After much speculation on the specifics of the ‘November 2013’ Xbox One release date, the Microsoft have finally announced that it will be out on November 22nd.

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November sees one of the greatest months on record for next generation gaming, thanks to the release of both the Xbox One and the PS4. Microsoft’s black and green next-gen effort will pack a technological punch of (the newly upgraded) 1.75GHz, along with the big feature of motion controlled gaming in the form of Microsoft’s Kinect camera technology. We also know that the Xbox One launch line-up will include triple A titles of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty : Ghosts, to name a few. What we didn’t know, until now, is when is the Xbox One’s release date.

Thanks to a Microsoft release, we now know that the Xbox One will be out on November 22nd. The full list of territories in which the Xbox One will be released in are as follows : Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, UK, and USA. Microsoft also say that other territories will have to wait until the far off distance (to impatient gamers, that is) of early 2014 in order to get their hands on the Microsoft branded game box.

The November 22nd release date might be disappointed for those not in the aforementioned locations but it actually offers games (and Microsoft) some important advantages. For example, the previously announced 1.6GHz of processing power that the Xbox One was packing, has now been upgraded to 1.75GHz, putting the console in a better position to challenge the PS4’s (rumoured) 2.75GHz and allowing Microsoft to work out any kinks in the new boost in power. And, as for the fact that the Xbox One launches just a week after the PS4 (in North America, it launches in other territories on the 29th), the delayed release date also allows Microsoft to tailor their position to adequately match the needs of those who may have not yet picked a side in the next-generation console war.

We’ll keep you posted on the Xbox One once we know more.

Source: gamesindustry international

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