30th Anniversary Pac-Man Cocktail Table

We all have fond memories of playing Pac-Man (and various other classics) on old arcade games that flashed in red letters “Only use in Japan,” before every game. Bring back the retro-gaming experience by celebrating 30 years of Pac-Man in a sweet way, with this wicked gaming table.

pac man

This Pac-Man arcade cocktail table is made by Namco, who are the creators of the very first Pac-Man arcade game from way back in the 80s. If you grew up in the 1980s, or have a slight obsession with retro art and culture, you will recognize this as being identical to the games played in malls and pizza parlors throughout that decade.


Besides Pac Man and Pac-Mania, 13 other arcade games are also available for the retro cocktail table. These titles include some popular names like Ms. Pac-Man, Dragon Spirit, Rally-X and Galaxian, in addition to less familiar games such as Dig Dug, Galaga 88, Mappy, Rolling Thunder and Xevious. Original graphics were used for the making of the classic arcade cocktail table, as well as the same sound effects to add to the nostalgia effect.

The rules of the game are still the same; all Pac-Man fanatis will be familiar with navigating around the maze and eating all the pellets, power pellets and fruity bits along the way. Just don’t forget to avoid the gobbling ghostly jaws of Clyde, Pinky, Inky and Blinky. They’ve even included the classic four-directional joystick. Available through Hammacher Schlemmer for $3,500.

With Pac-Man’s 30th birthday being such a big bash for gaming geeks all over the world, there are lots of fun Pac-Man goodies out there to indulge in. Brush up on your Pac-Man history with the history of Pac-Man t-shirt, spoil yourself with the original Pac-Man arcade game to compliment your Pac-Man arcade cocktail table and celebrate the occasion by learning how to make your own Pac-Man cake.